AFEELD ( is a full-length collection of playable intermedia and concrete art compositions that exist in the space between poetry and computer games. These compositions take as their subject the creative, playful role of the individual in conceptualizing and defining space. The collection was published in 2017 by the Collaboratory for Digital Discourse and Culture at Virginia Tech, as part of their peer-reviewed ‘Digital Originals’ book series.

The book consists of 28 static pieces, 21 interactive pieces, 2 games, and a coda which contains a wide variety of user-generated content. It is a web-based collection comparable in size, scope, and publication record to most any full-length book of poetry.
For detailed descriptions of AFEELD's six chapters, I would recommend E-Lit scholar Leonardo Flores' review of the collection. The book's ELMCIP entry also contains information about its exhibition and publication history (which appears at the bottom of this page.)
Exhibitions and Installations
- "Electronic Literature and Its Emerging Forms" at the Library of Congress
- Electronic Literature Organization 2012 Media Art Show, "Electrifying Literature: Affordances and Constraints"
- "Avenues of Access: An Exhibit and Online Archive of New 'Born Digital' Literature" at the MLA 2013 Convention
- Carroll Gallery at Tulane University
- Ellen Powell Tiberno Museum in Philadelphia, PA
- CalArts Library in Valencia, CA
- Humanities Gaming Institute at the University of South Carolina.
- 2011 Association of Writers and Writing Programs Conference in Washington, D.C.
- 2010 Post_Moot Convocation at Miami University of Ohio
- Zaoem Festival of Contemporary Poetry in Ghent, Belgium
- 50 of the 51 pieces in AFEELD have been published in online literary journals, including Abjective, Certain Circuits, London Poetry Systems, Otoliths #16, Oxford Magazine, and Word For/Word #14.
- Alphabet Man was published as a chapbook by Slack Buddha Press in April 2010.
- Count as One was published as a chapbook in the Fall 2009 issue of New River: a Journal of Digital Writing and Art.
- This is Visual Poetry was published in July 2010, as the 51st chapbook in Dan Waber’s “This is Visual Poetry” chapbook series.
- &Now Award for Innovative Writing in 2012
“The most interesting aspect about this work is the insight it provides on the psychogeography of the screen, shaping our interaction as a kind of dérive. Do several (or all) the pieces and think about how the graphical information he provides on each piece shapes where you click on the screen.” -- Leonardo Flores
"‘Count As One’ [from AFEELD] is a really clever mix of visual poetry and DIY interactivity – allowing the reader/participant to help in the creation of the poem, but also offering the chance to print or publish the poem directly to Liszkiewicz’s Flickr account... This is something I haven’t seen before, and a very interesting way to overcome the in-built obsolescence familiar to most interactive digital writing." -- Chris Joseph
"Clean, provocative, and almost sculptural, Liszkiewicz plays with a very plastic conception of language. A must for those interested in the visual use of the letter." -- Crag Hill